wellness coaching for moms

Motherhood is hard. I’m here to help.

i’m so glad you’re here… 

Early motherhood is a beautiful, challenging, transformative time.

You still want to feel like your authentic self as you grow into motherhood—but it's hard to know where to start when it comes to caring for yourself, as well as your loved ones. If you feel like you're running on autopilot, disconnected from yourself, the right support can help you uncover your own innate wisdom and strength. That's what I'm here for.

What is Wellness Coaching?

Lauren Payne Wellness Coaching is designed to help moms of young kids feel more balanced, connected, and resilient in the face of challenges. Three to six months of personalized coaching can help you learn how to develop long-term, sustainable change—and grow into the most authentic version of yourself.

I want to help you clarify what’s really important to you, and build your knowledge, skills, and self-awareness—so you can discover how to take small steps in the direction of your larger goals.

Wellness Coaching for Moms is…


My coaching isn’t about giving you answers or rules—it’s about helping you find ways to learn, solve problems, and build sustainable change in ways you can apply over and over in your life.


Coaching sessions are short enough to fit into naptime, and I offer virtual visits to make it as easy as possible for you.


Ultimately, you’ll be able to take the tools we develop and become your own coach moving forward—I’m just here to empower, facilitate, and uncover what’s possible for you!


Your health plan will be rooted in your vision, values, and strengths, and aimed toward your own goals.


I get what you’re going through—I’m the working mom of two young children myself. Coaching offers a safe, compassionate space for you to get the support you need.

  • Lauren guided me as I created new habits to support my goals, leaving me encouraged and focused when our sessions ended.

    I had a great experience with Lauren! She was excellent at helping me to organize my goals into achievable steps. My weekly schedule has very little structure, and my brain goes 100 different ways, so the combination creates challenges for me with time-management. Lauren guided me as I created new habits to support my goals, leaving me encouraged and focused when our sessions ended. She also made me aware of how my priority of relationships with my family and friends intersects with my personal goals, something I had not realized before having Lauren's coaching.


  • I found myself reflecting not only on ways to improve but also routinely acknowledging and celebrating my own strengths.

    This was my first experience with this process. Lauren was wonderful. She asked engaging open ended questions and without judgement asked me to brainstorm ideas on how to make improvements. My initial impression was that the process would be focused on diet and exercise, but health encompasses so many other factors including stress management, sleep, spirituality and more. I found myself reflecting not only on ways to improve but also routinely acknowledging and celebrating my own strengths. Biweekly goal setting helped me focus my scattered life and I looked forward to our meetings and conversations. I highly recommend Lauren!


  • Lauren was such a positive influence for me.

    Through her coaching I learned to focus on small steps towards big change. I learned so many skills that have stuck with me and have allowed me to turn big goals into bite-sized changes, which then turned into habits, and then sustained improvement in health and wellness. Being a working mom herself, Lauren was able to relate to unique challenges of balancing multiple important aspects of life and help me find realistic and achievable ways to accomplish my goals.


  • Lauren is an amazing listener who made me feel heard and understood.

    Her listening technique helped me hear myself and better understand the problem at hand. Lauren has the invaluable ability to find and focus on the positive rather than dwelling on the negative. This gave me the encouragement and motivation I needed to break my sometimes paralyzing cycle of shaming and guilt, allowing me to tackle problems by leaning on my strengths. I so enjoyed working with Lauren! She helped me prioritize and set attainable goals, and held me accountable in an encouraging and productive way.


Let’s Talk

If you’re ready to schedule your discovery call or just have questions about coaching, this is the place to start.